Topic: Alexander Rothman

Book Party revisited

[ photos by Lauren Heanes. ] By all accounts and any metric, the book party went well. The wine got drunk. The jokes got laughs. The books got bought, and signed. I can’t thank you all enough for coming to play comics with us, and WORD, for giving us a basement to overrun. For those that missed it, or those … Continue reading

Indie Comics Night at WORD

We’re having a book party! Tomorrow (Thursday)! We’re taking over the infamous basement of Brooklyn’s beloved WORD bookstore, right here in Greenpoint, at 7:00 p.m. I’ll be walking you through the creation of a page of Old Town. And I’m like 65% confident I’ll finally have some books on hand to sign and sell. [ Right: Word bookstore, Greenpoint, by … Continue reading
Mail Comic by Cara Bean

Real actual mail
Wherein we examine some unusually delightful books that have lately arrived, bury an important announcement two-thirds of the way down, offer our gratitude to you, the reader, as sincerely as we can, and make a plaintive plea of the national postal service.

There’s been a lot of unusual post showing up around here. I opened my mailbox a few days ago* to find the above envelope from Cara Bean. And while there was a photocopied form letter inside the envelope, in this case, the packaging itself was the parcel. That’s original art on there, one of fifty panels sent out to fifty … Continue reading