And so concludes Chapter One.
I lived in the Hudson Valley for the better part of four years; on weekends, I’d take the Metro North line down to Manhattan to see my little sisters. I’ve also done a decent bit of political canvassing in the Lehigh Valley. I suppose some of each could be found in this drawing, if someone cared to look for it.
Weekly page updates will pause temporarily while I continue work on Chapter Two. In the meantime, I’ll keep posting updates about process and progress and beautiful things that show up in my mailbox (holler for the address). Consider subscribing to this site ( E-mail | RSS ) if you’d like to be kept in the proverbial loop.
And if, like me, you still prefer to read your comics on paper pages, there’s a hand-bound, lovingly assembled, full-color physical book of chapter one, just waiting to be signed and sent your way: