On Festivals

[ Cara Bean and I decided on simultaneous whims to show off the benefits of our unusually prominent eyeballs by hypnotizing one another first thing Saturday morning. Consequently, we both spent the weekend shuffling about and half-smiling into middle distance while awaiting the other’s instruction. ] “How was the show,” we’ll be asked. We’ll abbreviate our answers to varying degrees; … Continue reading

[photo: Knightlight] Chapter One is really actually finished, and I’ve just sent it off to a printer who assures me she can have the various component parts (pages, maps, stickers, prints, bookmarks) of the first 25 copies waiting for me in Boston when I get there on Friday. I’ll be up with Neil at Cara‘s place collating and assembling into … Continue reading
To be honest, you guys, I’m not feeling totally ready to launch this thing yet. But S.P.X. waits for no man, and if it did, it certainly wouldn’t be me. So here we are, you and I both. We’ll start with the first few pages and add a new one every Wednesday. This weekend I’ll be down in Bethesda, introducing … Continue reading